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Your high standards have gotten you this far in life but now you’re seeing it’s coming at a cost. You’re worried about doing your best that it is actually keeping you from doing your best. While it used to be the very thing you thought made you successful, it now keeps you from excelling in the activities you love and holds you back from doing what you’re truly capable of.  Here’s some common signs and symptoms of perfectionism:

  • The feedback you get from others is you are too hard on yourself. You know it’s true, and yet you just don’t know how to treat yourself any kinder.
  • You hear yourself think “I’m not good enough. I’ll never measure up.”
  • You feel chronically frustrated, irritated, or annoyed.
  • It feels like it’s all on you to handle everything. You have difficulty when things are outside of your control.
  • Meeting expectations isn’t enough, you feel like you have to exceed them.
  • You feel like there’s only one right way, and it would be catastrophic to make the wrong choice.

At its most debilitating, perfectionism leads to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and anxiety. Perfectionism is exhausting and the longer it goes on, the more debilitating it will become.

You can strive for the best AND enjoy life in the process.

The unhelpful aspects of perfectionism CAN be overcome. I can help you to:

  • explore the underlying reasons for your perfectionism, such as fear of failure, low self-esteem, or a desire for control.

  • recognize and challenge your negative thinking patterns, such as all-or-nothing thinking or overgeneralization.

  • set realistic and achievable goals and help you develop a more balanced perspective on success and failure.

  • manage the stress and anxiety that often accompany perfectionism. This can include relaxation techniques, stress-management strategies, and mindfulness practices.

  • develop a more positive self-image and build your self-esteem, which can help reduce the need for perfectionism.

  • cultivate self-compassion and learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, even when you fall short of your expectations.

  • reflect on your values and priorities, and help you develop a more meaningful and fulfilling life that is not solely focused on outcomes and achievement.

Let’s talk about how I can help you silence that inner critic and strive to live the balanced life you want to live.